Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5 Techniques In Forced Perspective

  • Foreground and background arrangement
  • Titling camera to change picture plane orientation
  • Size and proportion changes
  • Drawing a portion of the scene on paper
  • Playing with light and shadow

Friday, February 10, 2012

Types of Perspective in Photography

I chose this photo for volume perspective because it shows the volume of the bottles with the shadow.

I chose this photo for worms eye view because it shows the view that a worm would have if it was looking up.

I chose this photo for atmospheric perspective because it looks foggy and very atmosphery.

I chose this photo for birds eye view because this is what a bird would see if it was flying overhead.

I chose this photo for dwindiling size because the electric poles are going farther and farther back making them look smaller and smaller.

I chose this photo for fasle perspective because no man could ever stand on a glass bottle.

I chose this photo for forced perspective because there would never bew a bannana in the middle of winter with people standing on it.

I chose this photo for height perspective because the waterfall is showing the height of the land.

I chose this photo for linear perspective because it shows the lines of the building.
I chose this photo for overlap perspective because the first green apple is overlapping all of the other apples.

I chose this photo for rectangular perspective because it shows the lines of the building and the rectangulr angles.
I chose this photo for vanishing perspective because it shows the train tracks going farther and farther away. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Iconic Photo Analysis

George Eastman (1854 - 1932)

George Eastman was a self-motivated inventor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who revolutionized the photography and film industries. George founded the Eastman Kodak Company after inventing a chemical emulsion and machine to apply the emulsion to dry plates, thus making the taking of pictures outside of a studio much easier. The process eliminated the need for extensive equipment out in the field.
This photo inrterested me because it reminded me of the movie The Segret Garden.
I like that the two bushes are perfect with the pathway and that you can see the house in the backround.
I like how the picture is in black and white, it just seems timeless.

This photo is signifigant because it has a lot of detail in one small space.

Digital Typography

Colorized Vintage Photo

Monday, January 23, 2012

Peer Critique

I am critiquing Bethanns elphed sparkled photo, I see how she made both of her ears very pointy, like a real elf. I also noticed that she made her nose pointy, her cheeks are red, but not as red as a real elf.
 Bethann used different sparkles which shows some differnt texture to her photo, she also used white colored sparkles which looks a lot like snow to me, I enjoyed that she used the white sparkles because elfs normally do live in snowy conditions.
 This photo is fun to me because it makes me laugh, it was just fun to take a normal photo and change it into a fun elphed photo for the holidays!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Antiqued California Land

Kirsch Elphed With Sparkles

Morphed Me

Lisa Marie Williams
     As I wake from my long rest, I press the button on the remote to open my automatic window coverings.  As I prepare for my day, I think I will go to the Beverly Hills mall and pick up some scarfs from Calvin Klein and maybe that cute black dress from Michael Kors. Also, I will have to get those red bottoms Louis vuitton pumps. Oh, I completely forgot that my Rolls Royce is in the repair shop for when I tapped into that silly Subaru Outback that stopped for no reason, oh well I’ll just have to take my Mercedes-Benz. As I leave my mansion I have the dumb paparazzi taking all these photos and as I opened the gate and started pulling out, one paparazzi dropped his camera and cracked my windshield! I was very upset. After my long day of shopping I think I will just come home and take a long relaxing swim in my Olympic size pool, then maybe a trip to the spa to get my hair and nails done to complete my ever so frustrating day.