Tuesday, March 6, 2012

5 Techniques In Forced Perspective

  • Foreground and background arrangement
  • Titling camera to change picture plane orientation
  • Size and proportion changes
  • Drawing a portion of the scene on paper
  • Playing with light and shadow

Friday, February 10, 2012

Types of Perspective in Photography

I chose this photo for volume perspective because it shows the volume of the bottles with the shadow.

I chose this photo for worms eye view because it shows the view that a worm would have if it was looking up.

I chose this photo for atmospheric perspective because it looks foggy and very atmosphery.

I chose this photo for birds eye view because this is what a bird would see if it was flying overhead.

I chose this photo for dwindiling size because the electric poles are going farther and farther back making them look smaller and smaller.

I chose this photo for fasle perspective because no man could ever stand on a glass bottle.

I chose this photo for forced perspective because there would never bew a bannana in the middle of winter with people standing on it.

I chose this photo for height perspective because the waterfall is showing the height of the land.

I chose this photo for linear perspective because it shows the lines of the building.
I chose this photo for overlap perspective because the first green apple is overlapping all of the other apples.

I chose this photo for rectangular perspective because it shows the lines of the building and the rectangulr angles.
I chose this photo for vanishing perspective because it shows the train tracks going farther and farther away.